My slice of heaven

It is okay to be selfish

Mamta Goyal
2 min readOct 31, 2021

Everyone knew it. Everyone respected it. My corner: mine to use, mine to take care of. You may think it selfish, but for me, it was an essential. As far back as I can remember, I’ve needed a 8.5x11” space that was my own. Through multiple homes, while sharing a room with three siblings and guests, my corner was reserved next to my side of the bed. It had a stack of books on it. Now that my husband and I have a bigger bedroom, I still have that space.

As soon as I sit on the bed, the sight of a book in my space instantly makes me calm. My mind and body gradually relax as I start reading the book. Five more minutes and the whole world recedes into the background.

My sacred space. Illustration by Danushka Sampath.

So, yes, self-indulgence and self-care is a necessity when it does not hurt anyone, and more importantly, when it makes us happy and healthy. A place or mechanism where we can regroup ourselves allows us to improve our personal interactions, creativity, and productivity. In her blog, Dr. Diana Raab explains the concept of sacred space, its usefulness, and how you can create one of your own to rejuvenate yourself and thrive.

As a wise person said,

“You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first”.

Here is a quick link to Mamta’s musings. I am a Life Coach. A people and quality lead, who is inspired by everyone’s uniqueness.



Mamta Goyal

Life coach | Inspired by everyone’s uniqueness | Mamta’s musings